Wednesday, February 27, 2013


In this photo, I used a large aperture to capture a small amount. Due to using a large aperture, only numbers 1-5 are in focus. This is an effective photo because by using a large aperture, I only captured a minimal amount of numbers.


In this picture, I used a small aperture. So a lot is in focus. I think this is an effective photo because by using the small aperture, I was able to get all the people in focus.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Water Bottle in the Mirror

This photo is showing the reflection of a water bottle in a mirror. The angle of the mirror gives the photo a more dramatic look. This is an effective photo because the mirror reflects the water bottle. This photo was taken in landscape mode.I took this picture because I had a water bottle and a mirror and it worked out.

Glass Door

This picture is a reflection picture. It was taken in landscape mode. This picture is very effective because it shows the reflection of Nicole from the glass on the door. As I was looking around the building for something to take the reflection captured my attention and i took the photo.